Giuseppe and Francesco Alfieri

La ditta Alfieri Giovanni nasce nel lontano 1970 grazie all’intuizione e alla determinazione del suo fondatore Giovanni Alfieri che, spendendo tutto se stesso riuscĂŹ a far conoscere i manufatti in cemento nelle province di Ragusa ed Siracusa nelle quali erano ancora poco conosciuti ed utilizzati. Con scaltrezza e audacia, fu capace di differenziarsi dagli altri competitors ed eccellere per qualitĂ  di materiali e di servizi pre/post vendita. La passione, l’impegno e la continua ricerca di prodotti di eccellenza da inserire nella produzione furono la chiave vincente.

After Giovanni Alfieri step out, his sons have been leading the company and they are currently in charge of all business functions. They have given new inputs to the development process in terms of production optimization and market analysis to grab the right products and technologies to satisfy specific customers’ needs. Thanks to the experience gained over the years and the use of high-quality raw materials, customers’ trustiness has constantly increased.

The Alfieri Giovanni snc company has assumed a key role in the market, leading the development of concrete products to a higher level and focusing the attention on customers satisfaction through investments in innovation. Respect, passion, commitment have led the Alfieri Giovanni snc company to celebrate its 50th year of business.